
At Red Oaks, we’re very fortunate to have an amazing campus with all kinds of features and diversity. We’ve got a pond and two streams, forest, meadow, mountain, and crags. Our land is full of all kinds of wildlife and is the site of many amazing educational activities. We’re lucky to live in an area of such breathtaking beauty. Coming to the Red River Gorge area, where we are located, almost guarantees a fantastic nature immersion experience. 

That said, it’s important to remember that nature is everywhere. While instagram photos might have us convinced that we’ve got to travel the globe to experience our wild and wonderful world, children, at least, know different. 

Tiny plants struggle to make a living on the alpine crags of mountains majesty just like they do in the cracks in our sidewalks. The squirrels chitter from the trees, the spiders spin their webs, and the birds search the grass for worms and beetles. The same sun shines overhead and the same rain falls on us all. 

While we may not always be able to visit some of our favorite places or sit together on the banks of our stream, there are always ways to connect with nature if we look. And the more we learn and understand about the world around us, the more avenues for exploration and wonder open up.

Most of us probably remember special wild places from our childhood that may not have seemed impressive to adults, but through our child eyes we could see and appreciate the secret and sacred space formed by the overhanging tree, delight in climbing through the tunnels along hedgerows, and marvel at the diversity of life existing beneath each rock in the garden border. 

It was with that in mind that we launched Neighborhood Nature. In this program, we explore the species diversity and fascinating ecology of our own backyards – and front yards, sidewalks, and anywhere else we can go – learning about the creatures who live there, the systems that govern them, and practical ways to help improve habitat. 

We feature different contributors and specialists for each session, so the format varies some between units, but all include a variety of STEAM activities and are adaptable to a wide age range. 

The money from all merchandise sales helps us to continue our work connecting people with nature and all the benefits that come from that. We appreciate your support!

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