Our Core Values

At Red Oaks, we are always learning and growing! It’s how we learn and grow that sets us apart. Every learning experience at Red Oaks – every class, every initiative, every activity – has its roots in these core values.

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Nature Immersion

Everything we do at Red Oaks begins with the simple act of stepping outside. By stepping out of the rush of modern life and into the natural world, we create space for exploration and discovery, wonder and awe. We root ourselves in compassion and community, and together we flourish and grow.  



Experiences of wonder and awe in nature awaken us to our deep interconnectedness with the land and all of its inhabitants. 


In our untamed forest playground, we are free to discover and invent, to challenge our minds and bodies, and to build the confidence we need to overcome adversity.


Being surrounded by nature encourages us to shift our attention outward, fostering a deep love of the land and a desire to tread gently on our beautiful and finite Earth. From this foundation of interconnectedness, we reach outward with empathy, understanding, and generosity toward others.


At Red Oaks, we know that we are all part of something bigger. As we learn, help, share, and grow, we cultivate a spirit of teamwork and collaboration within our group and beyond. We play together, we work together, and together we are stewards of our planet.